I will join Huawei Noah's Ark Lab (Hong Kong)

I will join Huawei Noah's Ark Lab (Hong Kong)

I am excited to announce that I will officially join Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab (Hong Kong) on September 4, 2023, as a researcher in robotics and embodied AI.

After careful consideration and discussions, I have discovered remarkable common interests with Huawei’s AI research team in Hong Kong. Together, we aim to leverage recent progress in large language models and robotics research to create intelligent and interactive robots. Our vision is to develop smart, assistive systems that not only possess cognitive capabilities but also interact with the physical world, similar to the way humans do.

The lab is located in the Hong Kong Science Park, a picturesque area nestled between mountains and the sea, near the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

I have successfully defended my PhD thesis

I have successfully defended my PhD thesis

I am pleased to announce that I have successfully defended my PhD dissertation at 5 p.m. (Central European Time) on Friday, 17th February, 2023, in Paris.

The jury members were (alphabetical): Justin Carpentier (École Normale Supérieure, Inria), Andrea Cherubini (LIRMM, Université de Montpellier), Vincent Lepetit (École des Ponts ParisTech), Patrick Pérez (Valeo.ai) and Gül Varol (École des Ponts ParisTech).

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I visited LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse

I visited LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse

I joined the Gepetto team of LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France, as a visiting student this winter. I had a great time with the robotics researchers at LAAS, during which I gave a public talk to present my work. By the way, Toulouse was truly a beautiful city.

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